Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hello Everyone, when you see the initials  SS  RP  P&G on some of these sites, these are short for...SS=SmartSource, RP=RedPlum, and P&G=Proctor and Gamble. These are the names of the inserts with coupons in them that are in a packet in the Sunday Newspaper. This is one of your best source of coupons you will find. Most magazines don't put coupons in them anymore, but there is one magazine and I think Walmart puts it out but anyway the name of it is "All You" and you can get it at Walmart but it is cheaper by prescription, It usually has at least $50.00 worth in it.
 I usually buy at least 5 papers but I would only buy one or 2 just getting started. Always make sure you read your coupon very close, make sure it hasn't expired as the store will not honor it and you will be embarassed. Also what you are buying has to be exactly what is on the coupon. Don't always look at the picture on the coupon cause sometime it is different. There are several type of coupons..Paper ( Manufactured Coupons )..Digital Coupons ( These are down loaded on your electronic Devise )..Paper..Store Coupons ( Usually found in advertisements flyers or in the Store
itself. ). Manufactured Coupons are the ones in your inserts in your newspaper and you can also download these from different websites. Also most stores have a type of club where you join and they give you specials coupons, let you see special bargains in their store and other benefits. Just remember every coupon you take to your store or drugstore is money you save in your pocket. I have only been doing this for a month and I know we have saved hundred of dollars already.
 I would find the stores you trade at like Publix, ( they have great coupons and they double them up to 50 cents) and I know there more you trade at. Go to each ones website to see if they have a place to join to get your store card and all their coupons and offers in your email......Well everyone, please join my blog to get all the information I can find to help you........................Pop

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hello Everyone,  Here is our first post and will try and put something on here that will help you. I will be making some video's shortly,so you will be able to see what I am talking about. Yesterday at Dollar Tree I scored around 7 things free and that is always a good place to start. I want you to go to..... are going to see a lot of things you don't understand but you are going to get a lot of information that will help you  later on. Just work your way around through it and I will explain some of it to you. You can either email me ( ) or send me a private message on my facebook and I will answer as many questions I can..................
Thanks for CouponingWithPop

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hello My Friends

Well here I am trying to make a small Blogg and like always struggling. So please excues my mistakes I lost my job recently and being 77 yrs of age and being disabled, it is not easy finding another so you guessed it. I am now a extreme couponer. So far have saved at least 50% or more every time we went shopping. Have not learned it all yet but gradually getting there. Will try to pass on what I have learned in about 3 to 4 weeks of this. Am posting a few pictures. Thanks and I'll be looking for you.......Pop